CFugue, meaning Carnatic Fugue or the C/C++ replacement of JFugue, is a high level Music Programming Library.
CFugue makes it possible to play music notes directly from C/C++ programs, without ever having to deal with the low-level MIDI complexities. This library provides a beautiful abstraction that lets you concetrate on programming the Music rather than worry about the MIDI nuances.
CFugue has numerous features that make it possible to use it directly from many platforms, including but not limited to ASP pages, .Net applications and even non-Windows based systems.
Using CFugue to play music is as easy as writing plain music notes. Just create a Player object and call the Play method on it, supplying the Music notes to be played. Simple.
#include "MusicNoteLib.h" void main() { MusicNoteLib::Player player; // Create the Player Object player.Play("C D E F G A B"); // Play the Music Notes on the default MIDI output port }Read more at: CFugue